
Showing posts from 2012

Atlanta Here I Come!

Yes ANOTHER UPDATE! I told you it wouldn't be months until my next one! I have had so much going on and wanted to share it!  One of which is Black Girls Run!  The organization has been growing by leaps and bounds in just over the last year.  One of my goals this year was to run a 5K race every month.  And let me tell you if it wasn't for this running group I would have probably failed this task.  They are a very motivating group. They even got me to get up at 4am to volunteer help set up a race. Mind you my pure motivation was the fact that volunteers got to run the race for free  LOL!   But it was interesting to see how a race is pulled together, at least the preparation the day of.  Lots of work! So far I've done well with my 5K a month challenge. There was a month or two where I skipped one but made up for it by doing 2 races the next month!  So I am on track!  I've even already completed my race for September!  Which b...

California vacation!

OMG! I finally figured out how to revert my blogger back to its old format. The new format wasn't working for me AT.ALL and was making it virtually impossible for me to create a new blog! And boy do I have lots to talk about!  I know many of you have missed my blogs. I know this because you told me so.  So glad you guys enjoy my ramblings!! Okay so now that I'm back I have so much to say but don't know where to start.... Quite a dilemma. Well just to let you know what I've been up too the last few months.  This summer as zoomed by. How is it August September already??  As far as exercise go, it's been going pretty well. Things kind of took a dip in July when I went to California on vacation. Talk about eating everything in sight.  I swore I was hungry every hour on the hour! LOL My travel mates were begging me to take a pregnancy test just to make sure. I knew that wasn't the case..... The food in California was amazing awesomness!  I swear I didn't h...


As every knows my new favorite hobby is running.  Which is very shocking to me since I used to hate running so much. But when the opportunity came for me to start a running group through the " Black Girls Run "  I jumped at the chance because at the time I wanted something to challenge me.  And at the time running was the ultimate challenge.  When I started the group last May I could barely run a mile.But over time as I got  better I realized that it wasn't that I hated to run, I just wasn't doing it right which in turn made me not like it. After building my endurance and learning more about the sport I realized that I love running.  So much so that in the year that I've been running I've completed 4 5ks ( that's 3.1 miles) and I've completed 2 half marathons ( 13.1 miles). All of which occurred in the last 5 months.  I've really been wracking up some miles hitting the pavement. But like with every sport there's a downside.  running really tig...

Water Aerobics!

BGR-Synchronize swim??  So my next  installment of "Workouts I do so you don't have too..."  was water aerobics!  Now I know what you're thinking because I was thinking it too.  You immediately had visions of little old women in  a pool as you gently moved through the water sort of like a wet ballet.  But this was far from it. It was actually pretty fun.  One of the members of my running group hipped us to the class at the Pompano Aquatic Center. Great thing was that it was only $3.50 for the class. I was late because I got lost, thanks to Google who said the aquatic center was on 20th Ave and not 18th! UGH!  But once I found it I was in the pool in a matter of minutes.  Our instructor was pretty young, not more than 25 years old and she had legs I would have killed for!  Not an ounce of fat anywhere!  LOL. We did sprints, jumps, fast kick ups all in the water. Now anyone who's ever done this on land knows how hard these c...

Couponing and Healthy Eating!

By now many of you have heard of this new craze called extreme couponing. You'd probably heard of the show on TLC where these people go into the stores armed with coupons and come out with hundreds of dollars worth of food and only a fraction of the cost.   It seems like a great idea. You collect coupons and go into the store and buy massive amounts of food for pennies. Who wouldn't want to get in on that deal. So After watching a few of my friends and family jump into this I decided to take it on also.  So I did what the experts said.  I went into Publix ( my local grocery store) cased the joint. Walked up and down all the aisles looking at what was on sale, what had coupons, BOGO, etc.....  Then went home and prepared my coupons. I've been using coupons here and there for the last few weeks But today I was determined to come out with a good deal.  But one thing that I noticed about all the coupons I have is that the majority of the coupons are for proces...

Midday Workouts with Mimi...

You like it? It's a name one of my sorority sisters gave me when I was talking about working out in the afternoon. (Thanks Cylia!!)  In the last year when I was on my major weight loss kick, one of the things that helped me was working out in the afternoon.  Yes I had a regular 9 to 5pm like many people, and I have a 3 year old son and a husband.  Sometimes I'd come home from work and would prepare dinner then crash.  The thought of working out seemed like the farthest thing from my mind.  I just wanted to rest.  But then I'd think about what I ate that day or the fact that I have been inactive for a day or so and I'd start to feel guilty.  There had to be a better way I thought to myself.  That is when I incorporated the lunch break workouts into my routine.  I am fortunate to work at a place that has a gym and has fitness classes such as Bootcamp, Zumba and Yoga, as I've blogged about before.  Well  after doing bootcamp for mon...

I'm famous!

Ok not really but I am in print. And unlike the Kardashians or the Lohan's of the world I was featured for one of my favorite passions right now and that's health and fitness!!   Back in early October Self Magazine had asked the masses to send in their weight loss success story to their magazine, especially those who had used their Jump Start Diet.  So I wrote to them telling them of my weight loss journey and how the Jump Start food plan really helped me along my journey.  It really made me realize that I was eating all wrong!  Like we're talking all kinds of wrong. My portion sizes were out of control, I was eating out ALL the time and even when I cooked it was processed/packaged foods. This plan taught me how to eat better and make more nutritious selections.  So anyway I told Self Magazine all of this and of course attached some photos and a couple weeks later one of the editors contacted me!  I was so excited!  She called me and we chatted...