I'm back!

So once again it's been a while since I've posted anything. And I have a good excuse!  There was really nothing fitness wise going on in my life especially the last trimester of my pregnancy.  I was eating everything in sight and even walking was becoming cumbersome.  But at the end of August I finally gave birth to a bouncing baby boy!  Hooray! He's perfect and beautiful and loud!  lol....
Dylan Maxwell
But I still couldn't work out.  I started doing little walks here and there but I didn't want to do anything to ruin my recovery. I wanted to get the okay from my doctor at my 6 week check up.  Once that happened I started getting myself out there. My first day of "running" just consisted of racing my 4 year old up and down the street of our cul-de-sac.  But on Sunday I got with my running group and I did 3 miles!!
My goal was to at least run the first mile (no matter how slow) without stopping, which I did, the other 2 miles consisted of run/walk combo.

I thought getting back into a fitness routine would be difficult and I wouldn't be motivated. Because in the last few weeks of my pregnancy anything that looked like exercise made me cringe. I was just exhausted. And I thought that it would be the same after the baby came. Now don't get my wrong, I'm still sleep deprived but the motivation and desire to workout is still alive in me!  Which to me is half the battle, now the other half is tapping into that desire and making it translate into an actual workout. My plan while I'm still on leave is to workout between the baby's nap schedule. Not sure how I'm going to fit working out once I get back to work. But I'm going to work something out!
After my first major workout
But I will say this about working out again. It's definitely challenging.  My body feels so stiff. Need to work on stretching and using these muscles again. They need to be built back up. This is going slow and steady process. It's different from when I started my fitness journey because I know what I'm capable of doing and it's a little disheartening that I'm not at that level anymore.  I have to build it back up!  But hey, the race is not given to the swift! 


  1. That's awesome! So proud of you, keep it going you'll get there!

  2. Time for you to update your bio. You are the proud mommy of two boys! And you are an inspiration to many :)


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