
It's been a while since I've added to my series of "Exercises I do so you don't have too....."
I didn't think I tried anything that I haven't mentioned already until I started thinking about running. That's when it dawned on my that I haven't shared my new love!

Running, what a great sport.  You don't need any expensive equipment. It can be done anywhere, at anytime with anyone or alone.   But let me tell you running with someone really pushes you to go faster and longer.  I run with a group of ladies from my running group Black Girls Run.  This is a phenomenal group. Met some wonderful ladies who want to stay active and fit. We meet up once or twice a week depending on our schedules. We support each other and push each other to run faster and longer than we probably would on our own.  I've really taken to running.  I never thought that I could more more than a mile. Now I'm up to 6 miles. 

So if you've been thinking about going out to run. It's really easy.  Even if you can only run for 30 seconds at a time, then so be it. As the saying goes, the journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step.

Don't be afraid of it. Just a few tips for any beginners our there.
My current shoe. It's an Asics! love it!
 First I would definitely get fitted for proper running shoes the more miles you log in.  When I was running only a mile a day my regular workout shoe were just fine but as I started tacking on more miles onto my run I noticed I was getting a lot of knee and hip pain.

Second is get a good sports bra.  I know the prices of them will scare you off. I know they did for me. But believe me I learned my lesson in running in cheap bras. Don't do it to yourself or your girls. Get a good bra!  My favorite right now is my Nike one.   Hardly feel the girls move at all. 

Third is too always listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right, stop doing it and see a doctor right away. When my knee started bothering me I went to see my doctor and it was he who advised me to get new running shoes.
Fourth tip is to stay hydrated.  Drink before you run, during your run and after your run.  You lose lots of water when you sweat and you want to make sure you replenish.  The day I ran 6 miles the next day I felt nauseous, light headed and dizzy the day after because I didn't drink enough or eat enough food.  You burn a lot of calories when you run.  So you have to refuel and no a Big Mac does not count!!  Eat real food!

I love my running group but many of them are beginners or coming back after a long hiatus. So right now I'm the fastest one in the group. So to push myself I usually follow someone else on the trail who is running faster than me.  The first time it was this guy. He was actually running just behind me so I turned around and told him to hurry up so I could keep pace with him.  LOL  He was like "ok".  We did the last mile together and he really pushed me especially towards the end. If it wasn't for him pushing me I wouldn't have ran that last mile,  I would have given up. So you can run by yourself but a running buddy is the best. My pace buddy is Tracey. She keeps me at an even keel so that I'm not shooting out of the gate and burning through my energy after mile 1.  I can do an easy 3 mile run with her.  It's so cool. Me running three miles who would have thought!  ha! Now I'm up to 6!! 

But..... That's not where it ends. I am please to announce that I've signed up for 2 Half marathons next year!  One in January that I will be running with some of my girls from Black Girls Run. 
We will be running the ING Miami Marathon and Half on January 29th, 2012.  I'm so excited!

The medals for this race are super cool!  
My second race is in March in New Orleans!  I'm trying to convince my sister to run this one with me!! 
Ready to let the good times roll!!!  


  1. Great chica!!! I will be able to meet you because I'm doing the ING Half Marathon!!! Woohoo!!!!

  2. I should tag along for the New Orleans trip--moral support!!


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