Let's Eat Clean!
What do you mean eating clean Miriam? I don't eat off the floor or dig threw the dumpsters for dinner! Well that's not what I mean by clean eating. Eating clean is the new catchphrase that is used to describe a person who eats natural whole food. It's sad that our society must categorize food into areas such as real food and fake food, or like some people like to call Frakenfood. That's food that's put together in a lab somewhere. Clean eating also scares people because they think it means eating plain boring food with no flavor. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Eating clean simply means getting your food source from it's most natural source. So dinner every night doesn't have to be bland chicken breast with broccoli and brown rice. You can still eat hamburgers and fries! No I'm not joking. Only thing is you'll have to get lean meat and eat it on whole wheat bread. And cut up some sweet potatoes to make into fries. Pres...