It's been a while!
Been a while since I blogged so I figured I just type until I can finally come up with an actual topic to write about. LOL I'm still on my 5 day workout schedule but I did have a little hiccup. I got my hair done at the end of May. And anyone following this blog since the beginning know when that happens somehow working out takes a back seat. I wasn't too bad this time around. I did workout the day after but then I didn't do anything for two days after that. The weirdest thing happened. I missed working out! Can you believe that? LOL I actually missed and more than that I felt extremely guilty for not working out. So I got back on the saddle so to speak and got over my hair issue. Besides I've been doing a lot of reading on the internet on how to take care of our hair after working out. Actually I found a lot of "How-To" videos on you tube. So I've spent the last 2 weeks in the hair store buying all kinds of products to help restore my hair. A new...